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About Me:


Hey! I’m Cara.


I like solo travel, running, 90’s R&B music, and pasta.

I’m a proud hamster Mum to Russian native Marzipan, who is THE Kate Moss of the rodent world.

At the age of 21, I travelled solo across Europe, and eventually ended up living in Spain for a period of time. This particularly inspiring phase of my life has massively influenced the birth of this blog, and really me in my anorexia recovery.

Writing is my passion. I adore the unrivalled escapism that it gifts me with. While children’s novels are my preferred genre, I will pretty much write ANYTHING: poetry, YA fiction, journalistic sports pieces, and even complaints to my local train company (just kidding...!). I will literally become immersed in any pen-to-paper action I can get my hands on!

Pencil and notepad

Featured Blog Posts:

I devised my first ‘novel’ at the age of six, which happened to be on the back of my maths SATs test paper (I never was a fan of numeracy, instead opting to invent stories about pixies with bad breath...). At high school, I was always in trouble for reading a Jacqueline Wilson book under the table at the back of the science lab (the rebel that I was...

I can safely say that I was definitely not considered ‘cool’ in my youth!).

Since then, I have been incredibly fortunate to have had four of my books published, along with over 50 articles in various newspapers and magazines, and on an array of different sites, including those belonging to mental health charities and tourism boards.

If you sift through my blog, you’ll find honest accounts of anorexia battles and recovery, poetry, random rants about fridge deliveries, lots about running, and inspiring travel memoirs from every corner of Europe, from the bejewelling beauties of Russia, to the humble hues of the Lake District.

When I write, it is my desire to bless those reading my work with the same much-craved bolthole that my words granted me with when I conjured them. Sometimes, if only for a few minutes, we need to allow ourselves to be waltzed into the realms of our imaginations...

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Weird & Wonderful Facts About Me -

Leaves 1
Tropical Leaf

6) I'm a vegetarian between January and November. Why not December? Because pigs in blankets: that's why.

7) I'm 5 foot one, with 3 foot hair. And no I'm not joking, and yes I did make my partner measure my hair.

8) I name my houseplants after celebrities. Some witty examples include: Plant & Dec the cheese plants, APlanti the Devil’s Ivy, Prick Jagger the Cactus, Phil and Fern the Boston Ferns, Mark Yuccaberg the Yucca, Hugh Plant the Anthurium, Evan AllBitey the Venus Fly Trap, and Kate Bush the Peperomia.

9) While living in Ibiza, I went on a date with a Spanish lifeguard, who brought me a watermelon as a present, and then made me carry it around all night. He also spent half the evening ripping his top off and swinging it around his head, while pretending to play the drums and singing ‘Every FREAKY day, and every FREAKY night!’
There wasn’t a second date.

10)  I’m obsessed with baby rhinos.

1) My friends call me Cazza B. Personally, I think it’s only a matter of time before I’m snapped up by Murder Inc. and asked to go on tour with Ashanti and Ja Rule.

2) I’m a 27 year old teetotaller! Like, really! When I was 11, we went to my Grandma’s house on Christmas Day, and I saw a bowl of what I presumed to be marzipan-filled chocolates (marzipan as in the food, not as in Marzipan my hamster. That would be weird, and really quite awful). I shovelled a few into my mouth... Bit down... And nearly wept. It was a liquor: a ghastly, bitter, foul tasting liquor. The shock and trauma of the whole ordeal quite put me off my Christmas dinner, and indeed alcohol in general.

3)  Jay-Z is my king. In-fact, he’s not just MY king, he’s THE king. End of.

4) When I was 14, I entered Britain’s Got Talent and read out an extract from one of my stories. Needless to say, I didn’t get very far, which was definitely a blessing in disguise!

5) I read ALL of David Walliams books. As a fellow children’s author, I claim that it’s for ‘research purposes,’ but really, I actually just love them, and him.
(Just last week, I was reading on train, when the guard passed and said, “Ohh, Code Name Bananas! Good choice! My son is in year three, and we read all of David’s books!” I was like, “Same! But I’m 27...”)




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(I'll try & reply if I'm not busy making a
Superman cape for my hamster)

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